
Fast Food
By Lemmy Koopa

Artwork by Fried Rooster

Lemmy was driving to a meeting in his doomship, when all of a sudden, his stomach began to growl. Lemmy decided to stop at a fast food place and get some, uh, food. He looked around and saw a place called Cracked Cooking. Lemmy decided it seemed like his kind of place, so he pulled over to its fly-through window, studied the menu, and ordered his food.

Lemmy: Yeah, uh, I'll have a double cheeseburger, an order of onion rings, and a large orange drink. Please.

Attendant: Okay! One number 7!

Lemmy: Did... did you get my order?

Attendant: Yeah! You ordered a 6 piece chicken nuggets, an apple pie, and a diet soda.

Lemmy: No, I ordered a double cheesburger, onion rings, and a large orange drink.

Attendant: Oh, sorry. Make that 2 apple pies!

Lemmy: That's not what I ordered at all! I ordered a double cheesburger, onion rings, and a large orange drink!

Attendant: Yeah, a 6 piece nuggets-

Lemmy: Stop!

Attendant: -2 apple pies-

Lemmy: Wait!

Attendant: -and a diet-

Lemmy: SHUT UP!!! I want a double cheeseburger! Say it! Duh-bel cheese bur-gur!

Attendant: Duh-bel cheese bur-gur.

Lemmy: Un-yun rings! Say it!

Attendant: Un-yun rings.

Lemmy: Large, or-ange drink! Drink! Say it! Drink! I want a double cheeseburger, onion rings, and a large orange drink!!!

Attendant: 6 piece chicken nuggets, apple pie, and a diet soda?

Lemmy: Ahh!!!

Lemmy drives away but hits a tree and dies.

Attendant: Would you like fries with that? Hello? Oh well. Next!

The End

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