The setting was just a brown platform with a white background… video game limbo. Mario and Luigi walked onto the stage, Mario laughing and pointing, Luigi hanging his head.
“Have you ever heard of such a stupid thing?” Mario asked, practically choking.
Luigi had obviously been crying… either that or some one had been punching him. Hm, actually, it was probably both. Anyway…
“Well, it's not like yours is any better,” Luigi whined.
“I'll have you know he's a lot better than you!” Mario snapped.
Wario walked onto the stage. “That's right!” he laughed. “I-a gotta win!”
“Well, that was irrelevant,” commented Peach, also walking on stage.
“Tell him!” Luigi sniffled, turning to Peach. “Tell Mario he's not so bad.”
Peach nodded. “Yes Mario, he's not so bad, if he refers to Wario.”
Mario, Peach, and Wario laughed, and Luigi cried.
“I don't have to take this, you know,” Luigi tried to look tough.
“Oh, yes you do!” the –arios said.
Yoshi walked on stage. “Yoshi eat Luigi… save barrassment.”
“Why not eat him and put him out of his?” Luigi sighed.
“He yucky!” Yoshi gagged.
“Agreed!” Mario, Wario, and Peach said.
Suddenly, Luigi's face turned red. “Just bring him on stage already! Let's get the humiliation over with.”
A shadow appeared on the edge of the platform, and then a figure walked on.
“Lemmy?!” everyone gasped.
Lemmy put his hand in the air. “Yes, I know I'm not the one you're looking for, but I'm in charge here. As long as that remains, he won't be appearing in any of my stories. Though he appears in Mario Tennis, I refuse to believe he is real. So forget about him.”
Lemmy bowed to invisible audience, than left.
“Well, that was all a waste of time,” said Yoshi, ditching the bad English.
“That story was already written,” voiced a character off stage.
“You?!” Lemmy said you couldn't be here!” snapped Luigi.
“I'm not!” came the voice.
Luigi looked confused.
“So, the point of this story was… what?” asked Peach.
“Lemmy wanted a bonus point for the Story Contest,” Mario answered.
“No!” Lemmy's voice came from off stage.
“I bet he's lying!” Wario dared.
Lemmy stammered. “I… uh… wrote this to make a bigger update and… uh… to denounce… that guy related to Luigi whose name can't appear in any of my stories. Yeah, that's it.
“Liar,” Yoshi hissed.
“You be good or I'll write you out!” Lemmy called.
“Anyone for tennis?” Mario asked.
The End
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