Here is what I was thinking in February 2001. Don't laugh! I'm sure I had more thoughts than some. Take a look at my thoughts, and Email me your comments!
Thursday, February 1, 2001
Lemmy's Thought: Though the idea is
appaling, rational thinking is really the best solution.
Comments: Secret
Friday, February 2
Lemmy's Thought: A bird in hand is better
than some other things.
Comments: hought: If permission has
been given for you to steal something, it's no longer stealing.
Comments: mathgrant:
Like an operational chainsaw in the hand. The chainsaw half, not the handle
Saturday, February 3
Lemmy's Thought: Five days without an
Email account is not as bad... as... good DAD, NO!!!
Comments: None
Sunday, February 4
Lemmy's Thought: I hope there is nothing
important for me to do today, since I can't remember a thing.
Comments: None
Monday, February 5
Lemmy's Thought: If I ever do something
nice, I'd better do something mean right away.
Comments: None
Tuesday, February 6
Lemmy's Thought: Must... have... milkshake!
Comments: None
Wednesday, February 7
Lemmy's Thought: If we didn't spend
so much time worrying about stuff, we could spend more time getting out
of the trouble we cause.
Comments: None
Thursday, February 8
Lemmy's Thought: Nothing beats the fun
of an all-nighter.
Comments: Lil
Cheep Cheep: That depends on what you were doing all night... Uh, I'm
not going to go into that subject.
Friday, February 9
Lemmy's Thought: Everyone complains
more than they praise, since the former is easier to do.
Comments: None
Saturday, February 10
Lemmy's Thought: I found an old bean
lying around today. It's worthless to me, but I'm going to keep it because
I bet there is someone in the world who will trade me something good for
Comments: None
Sunday, February 11
Lemmy's Thought: Newton showed why people
are lazy when he proved that an object will remain in motion or at rest
unless acted on by an outside force.
Comments: None
Monday, February 12
Lemmy's Thought: I feel like I've just
been hit by a truck. ... Uh oh...
Comments: None
Tuesday, February 13
Lemmy's Thought: To save water, I think
you should collect and reconsume all the water in your body.
Comments: Makina:
Then over time, you'll just dry up!
Wednesday, February 14
Lemmy's Thought: Defeat tastes bitter,
and so do old mushrooms. Ick!
Comments: None
Thursday, February 15
Lemmy's Thought: It's always greener
after another coat of paint.
Comments: None
Friday, February 16
Lemmy's Thought: If it doesn't work,
threats will probably help.
Comments: None
Saturday, February 17
Lemmy's Thought: Paper + water = smudge.
Comments: None
Sunday, February 18
Lemmy's Thought: I don't take to being
sick very well. I don't know how to take it from place to place.
Comments: None
Monday, February 19
Lemmy's Thought: The biggest obsticle
in this world is laziness.
Comments: None
Tuesday, February 20
Lemmy's Thought: It's embarrassing for
the title of an event to include "the first annual". Everything that is
done for the first time is the first annual.
Comments: Mathgrant:
Not if it's the first semi-annual..
Wednesday, February 21
Lemmy's Thought: If I am ever murdered,
I hope I am brave enough to yell "O I am slain!".
Comments: None
Thursday, February 22
Lemmy's Thought: In my quest to save
time so that I can do more fun things, I will multi-task my homework by
doing all the assignments at the same time.
Comments: None
Friday, February 23
Lemmy's Thought: If I ever say I don't
want to eat, I shoud immediately be rushed to the hospital.
Comments: None
Saturday, February 24
Lemmy's Thought: In a leap year, you
should leap past a day, not gain an extra one.
Comments: Matthew:
Then our calendar would be messed up and in 200 years winter would begin
on October and spring woukd start in February. Basically, not a very good
Sunday, February 25
Lemmy's Thought: It serves no purpose
to work hard if you then have no time to spend your money.
Comments: None
Monday, February 26
Lemmy's Thought: (monotone) I'm tired
of throwing my money away on bills...
Comments: mathgrant:
Then keep the money. Throw away the bills.
Tuesday, February 27
Lemmy's Thought: When my head hurts,
its obvious that there really is a conspiracy.
Comments: None
Wednesday, February 28
Lemmy's Thought: Time is the great equilizer,
since everyone has the same amount.
Comments: None
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