
Who Killed Bowser?

By YingYangYoshi

All the Koopalings were sitting in the TV room flipping the channels. Susan, who was there for summer vacation, was hugging Larry. Larry was trying to get away from Susan. Ludwig was testing his brand new invention, the All TV Remote, but it blew up. Lemmy was rolling on his ball around the room. Roy was pummeling Iggy. Iggy was getting pummeled. Wendy was complaining that it was such a beautiful day out, and yet they were inside, just watching TV. Finally, Morton was giving his thoery on the creation of wedding cake. Just then, Clawdia came in the room, crying.

Susan: Aunt Clawdia, what's the matter?

Clawdia: The guards have just reported, THAT YOUR DAD IS DEAD!!! WAHH!!!

Iggy: Oh no! How did he die?

Clawdia: The guards saw him floating down the river near our castle, close to Larry's Piranha Plants.They got him right before the Piranha Plants ate him. He was poisoned and then drowned in the river.

Lemmy: When did this happen?

Clawdia: (still sobbing) I was looking for your father around the castle, because his absence started to frigthen me. Then around 4PM the guards told me that he was probably killed around 2PM. And I was wondering what made him take so long, but I figured that I was moving around the big castle and was hard to find... *sniff*

Wendy: I bet Mario had something to do with this.

Lemmy: No way,the guards were on full watch today, and I don't think Mario is smart enough to leave hardly any clues...

Ludwig: Well... I guess it means i will be king...

Iggy: I guess so, but I wonder who killed Dad?

Roy: It was one of us... The guards have complete loyalty to King Dad... but we don't. Anyone of us could have killed Dad.

Morton: Then it's settled, confirmed, agreed, one of us did kill him and the one will be found- MPHH!!!

Wendy stuffed a sock in his mouth. They all split up in different directions, wondering who did it, but one of them already knew...

The next day at King Ludwig's Crowning, everybody was there except Ludwig, who was missing.

Iggy: I bet he did it so he could become king, but the guilt got to him.

Roy: Not! It was Larry!

Larry: ME?!

Roy: Yes! You, you killed Dad, then went after Ludwig, so he couldn't get the Crown!

Larry: But that means I would have to kill everyone, because I am the youngest.

Roy: Uh... I guess you're right.


Roy: Oops...

Susan tackled Roy and they got into a fist fight. Lemmy ran down to Ludwig's room and everybody follows. Lemmy opened the door and gasped.

There, tied to the ceiling and hanging gagged from a rope, was Ludwig. He was suspended over a pit of water with a Big Bubba Fish snapping at him.

Lemmy pulled out his Freeze Gun and froze the Bubba Fish, and Roy jumped up and freed Ludwig.

Lemmy: Who did this to you?

Ludwig: I don't know. I was practicing my speech when I was clonked over the head with something hard.

The crowning ceremony was finally ready to begin. Right when Ludwig was about to sit on the throne, he saw a note.

Ludwig: (reading): Help! I have been poisoned by wed...

There was a bit of wedding cake on the note.

Lemmy: *gasp*

Clawdia: Now children, we will interregate you to find out who killed Bowser.

Koopalings: *gulp*

Clawdia: Ludwig! Where were you yesterday, when Bowser was killed?

Ludwig: I, uh... was in my room working on my invention, the all purpsoe remote control.

Clawdia: Maybe you were, maybe you weren't. Roy, how about you?

Roy: I was clobbering Iggy in the TV room.

Clawdia: Any witnesses?

Roy: Yeah, Iggy.

Morton: I was in the kitchen, looking for the delicious, perfect, tasty, scrumpcious, wedding cake! And my witness is Larry, who was hiding from Susan, who was in the kitchen looking for Larry, who was in the fridge, hiding from-

Clawdia: I get it! How about you, Lemmy?

Lemmy: I was rolling around on my ball near the kitchen, and Susan saw me.

Clawdia: Susan?

Susan: Like Morton said, I was in the kitchen looking for Larry, cuz I love him so much.

Clawdia: Wendy? What's your story?

Wendy: I was looking around the castle because I fell and 50 coins fell out of my pocket, and a Goomba took them.

Iggy: I was getting beat up by Roy and Roy saw me.

Clawdia: How about you, Larry?

Larry: I was hiding from Susan, in the kitchen. And Morton is my witness.

Clawdia: I don't know why you did it, but i know you did it.

Who killed Bowser?

And the answer is...

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