By Foshi and Yoyoshi
The five participants who had cooked dishes for the annual Krazy Kooking Kompetition awaited their scores for the dishes they had baked: Brocoli Supreme, Macaroni and Cheese, Meatloaf (rotting, at that), Ice Cream Sundae, and Wedding Cake. They came onstage to recieve their scores. Brocoli
Five judges had sampled (as you might say) the dishes.
Brocoli Supreme: 10, 4, 10, 2, 0
Macaroni and Cheese: 6.5, 10, 10, 8,
7 - 3rd place
Rotting Meatloaf: 1, 0, 10, 1, 6
Ice Cream Sundae: 7, 8, 10, 8, 10 -
2nd place
Wedding Cake: 5, 9, 10, 10, 10 - 1st
Each participant had been given a medal or Honorable Mention. They were also given an envelope contaning comments from the judges about their food.
The judges, not wanting the participants to know who they were, never mentioned their names. However, their comments, the participants decided, would be enough to sort out who-dun-did-it. Since they had nothing better to do, they decided to find out who judged their food. However, they needed a cunning plan to secure the names of the people that attended.
To secure the names of the mass that came, they handed out flyers that read "Jump off a cliff! Good fun!" as they exited, and wrote down the names of the people that recieved the flyer:
Chuck Quizmo
Axem Red
Axem Yellow
Axem Pink
Tayce T.
After they had the names, they went to work to find out who judged their food.
The comments were (some edited to avoid immediate discovery):
Judge 1
Brocoli Supreme
Score: 10
Comments: Absolutely delicious!
Macaroni and Cheese
Score: 6.5
Comments: So-so.
Rotting Meatloaf
Score: 1
Comments: I don't think anyone but
Judge 3 will like this one, except for Judge 5. Maybe. It would have been
better if it wasn't rotting. I would have taken better care with it. Sprinkle
some water, maybe.
Ice Cream Sundae
Score: 7
Comments: An unusual treat. Needs more
ice cream, though.
Wedding Cake
Score: 5
Comments: I've spent too much time
around these to think highly of them. I would like to take special note
of the icing shaped like roses.
Judge 2
Brocoli Supreme
Score: 4
Comments: Nice, but more cheese is
Macaroni and Cheese
Score: 10
Comments: YUMMY!!!
Rotting Meatloaf
Score: 0
No Comment
Ice Cream Sundae
Score: 8
Comment: Well, it's got a dairy product.
I'm happy.
Wedding Cake
Score: 9
Comments: Great!
Judge 3
Brocoli Supreme
Score: 10
No Comment
Macaroni and Cheese
Score: 10
No Comment
Rotting Meatloaf
Score: 10
Comments: Burp!
Ice Cream Sundae
Score: 10
No Comment
Wedding Cake
Score: 10
Comments: No more food?
Judge 4
Brocoli Supreme
Score: 2
Comments: What is this?
Macaroni and Cheese
Score: 8
Comments: Is this Easy Mac?
Rotting Meatloaf
Score: 1
Comments: Who made this junk? What's
in it? How long has this been sitting out?
Ice Cream Sundae
Score: 8
No Comment
Wedding Cake
Score: 10
Comments: Who doesn't like Wedding
Cake? By the way, who's getting married?
Judge 5
Brocoli Supreme
Score: 0
Comments: It's not sweet!
Macaroni and Cheese
Score: 7
Comments: Pretty good.
Rotting Meatloaf
Score: 6
Oh, it's rotting?
Ice Cream Sundae
Score: 10
Comments: Sweet!
Wedding Cake
Score: 10
Comments: My second favorite! Sweet!
I would prefer a product that Hostess makes.
Who dun judge it?
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