
The 24 Karat Controller

By Yoshiki

"Yahoo!" cheered Iggy, running around the castle holding up a small box. "I finally received my 24 karat N64 controller!"

All the other Koopalings piled around Iggy to see it.

"I'd love to get my claws on one 'o those!" Wendy gasped.

"Yeah!" they all shouted in agreement.

When he went to bed, Iggy locked up his expensive accessory up in a safe by his bed. But while he was asleep, some one snuck into his room and picked the lock. "Ha ha ha! Now I'm gonna be rich!" But as the Koopaling quietly shut the safe door, a piece of his bright blue hair got caught in the lock. Yanking his head free, he ran to his bedroom.

Another Koopaling then walked into Iggy's room and saw the hair. "So, the little genius wants a piece 'o me?" he growled, pounding his fists. He tiptoed out of Iggy's room and into the room of the Koopaling who was currently holding the controller. He was just about to grab the controller and make a run for it when the first Koopaling jumped out of bed and zapped the second one with his wand, making him faint.

Just as the first Koopaling was about to crawl back into bed, another one hopped into his room and zapped the first one with his wand. "Boy, it was sure hard to stop myself from talking, but it was worth it!" The third one grinned.

Just as the victorious one was about to leave, another rather short Koopaling on a ball popped (no pun intended) out of the shadows. He quickly ran over the other Koopaling and grabbed the controller.

But just as the Koopaling was about to make a getaway, he saw a flash of what looked like jewelry and was pinned to the ground and lost the controller.

Just as the new holder thought they couldn't be stopped, a small foot popped out of the shadows and tripped the so-called victorious Koopaling. The new victor picked up the controller and examined it. "Yep, it's gold!" He smirked, now knowing he would be rich.

Who ended up with the controller?

In what order did the Koopalings get knocked out?

And the answer is...

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