
The Sleepover Murder

By Wendy

The Koopalings were in the Koopa Lounge again (aren’t these mysteries repetitive?) when the loudspeaker started making noise.

“Attention, Koopalings: this is your father.  I’m not bothering to come into the Lounge because you’re going to argue.  Susan is coming tonight to sleep over again.  And from here I can’t hear you complain, so I guess you’re all okay with that.  That is all.”

The Koopa Kids groaned.

Susan arrived later and again held Bowser’s attention all throughout dinner.  Then she went to the Koopa Lounge.  The Koopalings went upstairs to get their stuff (and remembered to bring a change of clothes this time).  Ludwig called a brief meeting in his room.

“I do not believe that I am mistaken in the assumption that no Koopalings currently in attendance here were capable of experiencing pleasure at the previous sleepover at which Susan was present.”

Lemmy translated: “Did anybody here have a good time at the last sleepover?”

The other five Koopalings responded: “NO!”

Ludwig continued.  “In light of that unanimous response, I would like to propose a course of action for the nocturnal period that shall soon be upon us.”

“Ludwig has a plan for tonight,” Lemmy explained.

“I, for one, am of the opinion that the course of action to be pursued, if we wish to experience greater pleasure at this sleepover than the previous one, is the complete and permanent elimination of the factor which caused us to not experience pleasure at the previous sleepover.”

Lemmy thought for a moment.  “Ludwig says let’s kill Susan!”

The Koopalings cheered.

“At the previous sleepover, Susan stated that sleepovers are intended as a time of sport.  Therefore, I propose that we each wager 50 gold coins on our being the first to carry out the course of action,” Ludwig concluded.

“Ludwig thinks we should all bet 50 coins that we kill Susan,” Lemmy said.

The Koopalings cheered again.

Ludwig found a small bag and each Koopaling produced 50 gold coins and dropped it in the bag.  Ludwig closed the bag and put it in his duffel bag.  The other Koopalings gave him a distrustful look.

“I swear on my honor and reputation as a Koopaling that I shall not prevent the rightful winner of the money from obtaining it,” Ludwig said.

“Ludwig says he promises he’ll give the money to the winner,” Lemmy told his younger siblings.  The Koopalings all agreed and shook hands, then went downstairs.

That evening, the Koopalings were all very nice to Susan and went along with her games.  Susan did not seem at all surprised by their behavior.  Around midnight, Susan finally let her cousins go to bed.  The Koopaling who had stayed up the most past his bedtime slept like a log and did not wake up until morning.

One Koopaling, who decided that their preferred mode of transportation would not work, quietly pulled out a knife and crawled towards Susan, who was very obviously fast asleep in her sleeping bag.  Before the Koopaling could strike, they were knocked out by another Koopa Kid wielding a magic wand.

The second Koopa Kid decided to eliminate some more competitors before going for Susan.  Warily he approached another Koopaling, who appeared to be sleeping.  Before the first Koopa could strike, the ‘sleeping’ Koopa shot him with a gun.  There was a loud crash as the shot Koopaling fell to the floor and everyone looked to make sure that Susan was still sleeping.

Another Koopaling rolled over in their sleeping bag. Feeling challenged, the Koopa Kid with the gun, who was not strong enough to use a more physical weapon, shot the other Koopa Kid, who was an easy target.  The Koopaling in the sleeping bag did not roll over any more.  The Koopaling who had shot rolled over onto their back and gasped to see a foot descending over them.  “I feel... a pain....” the Koopaling mumbled as the foot ground into their stomach.

The Koopaling still standing hurried over to Susan to make her suffer a similar death, but decided to find a better weapon.  Feeling around on the floor, the Koopa found something hard and heavy.  Before they could use it, the Koopaling lying next to it used it.  The Koopa trying to take the weapon fell to the floor.  The other Koopaling, who still had the weapon, looked around, walked over to Susan, and dealt her a heavy blow to the head.

“I win,” the Koopa smiled.

Which Koopaling killed Susan?

And the answer is...

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