
The Mystery of the Attempted Murder

By Static-Z

Little Lemmy's Land Qualifier
Ranked #14

On one normal day, Mario and Luigi were taking a stroll around Mushroom City. After a whole day of playing golf and tennis, Mario and Luigi needed a relaxing stroll. Then, all of a sudden, a car drives by, points a gun at them, and shoots. Mario hears the shot, looks behind him, and sees Luigi at his knees and bent down, facing the ground. Mario runs to the nearest phone booth and calls 911. Later at the hospital...

E. Gadd: Hmm. I wonder who could've done it... Luigi said something about the gun looking a little different than any gun he's seen before. He said it looked a little "disfigured". I just can't figure this out...

The next day...

Koopaling: (I did it... I finally shot the best hero in the Mario Universe. Maybe he's dead... maybe he's not... At least he learned his lesson.)

Then, another Koopaling comes in.

Koopaling 2: Uhh, who are you talking to...?

Koopaling 1: *clears his throat* ... No one...

Koopaling 2: Well, you'd better get ready for when our guests come.

Koopaling 1: Okay...

An hour later, Mario and Peach go to visit the Koopalings at Mountain Villa. The Koopalings there are Wendy, Ludwig, Roy, and Morton. Mario and Peach greet them as they come inside.

Wendy: Hi. I'm so glad you could make it!

Roy: Yo! Wazzup, guys?

Ludwig: Hey, Peach and Luigi.

Mario: No... I'm Mario. My brother's Luigi.

Ludwig: Oh yeah... I always get you two mixed up. *chuckle*

Morton: Hey! What's up? Nothin' here. I've just been playin' the GameCube all day and eating wedding cake and eating more wedding cake and even more wedding cake, I was even in Mushroom City going to the store to buy some delicious wedding ca- MPH!!!

Roy shoves a huge sock in Morton's mouth and puts duct-tape over his mouth.

Roy: There, that should keep him quiet for at least a minute...

Ludwig: I've been making one of my latest inventions.

Roy: I've been watching WWF wresting all day.

Wendy: And I've been swimming in the pool all day.

Two hours later, Mario and Peach decide it is time to leave. They say goodbye to everyone and leave for Peach's Castle. Then, after thinking a while about who could've tried to kill Luigi, Mario is sure of who did it.

And the answer is...

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