By Miles "Thumbs" Power
Little Lemmy's Land Qualifier
Ranked #6
There was a sale at the wand shop in Water Land not too long ago. Roy, Ludwig, Lemmy, and Larry were tired of their wands, so they put together their money and bought four for the price of three. The wands were gold, silver, tye-dye, and platinum. When they got back, the others wanted to know who got which wand. They gave them four events that happened during the day.
1. Ludwig told the clerk he would only get colors that resembled the gray color of his machines.
2. Larry later lunched with the Koopa who purchased the tye-dye wand.
3. While Larry did that, the Koopa with the gold wand zapped Larry and Lemmy for fun.
4. Then, Ludwig and the Koopa with the silver wand spent the day at the beach away from the others.
At this time, the four Koopas went up to their room, leaving the other three Koopas baffled. Bowser came in and asked what was going on. Wendy told him all about it, Bowser thought for a while and then said. “I know who got what from just those four clues.”
Which Koopa got which wand?
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