
Roy Koopa Relocated

By Joshua

It was a rainy afternoon in Dark Land and Roy was beating up Iggy. Lemmy saw this and decided he’d had enough.

Lemmy: I’ve had enough! It’s time to stop Roy picking on us once and for all!

He called a meeting of his brothers and sisters, excluding Roy and Iggy, who was still getting beaten up.

Lemmy: I’ve called this meeting to say it’s time we finished off Roy for good! Any ideas?

Ludwig: I say we send him to somewhere he hates, like Water Land!

Wendy: I don’t want him anywhere near my land! I say Desert Land!

Morton: No way! No! Nuh-uh! Not gonna happen! Nah!

Larry: ENOUGH! I say somewhere he really hates. Somewhere with a lot of heat. Like Mt. Lavalava!

Lemmy: Excellent idea, Larry! So it’s agreed. We send Roy to Mt. Lavalava tonight when he’s sleeping.

The Koopalings liked this idea and congratulated Larry.

That night, a Koopaling sneaked to Roy’s room and unlocked the door with a gadget. The Koopaling then realized that they’d forgotten their Magic Wand that they would use to teleport Roy to Mt. Lavalava. The Koopaling went back to their room to get it.

A Koopaling who liked wedding cake went to Roy’s room next but saw that Roy was reading a comic book. The Koopaling decided to go back to their room and do the same.

The Koopaling that was a vegetarian came next. Roy was asleep now. The Koopaling was about to zap Roy but was zapped by the Koopaling who didn’t want Roy near their land. Then the Koopaling who couldn’t walk very well came to Roy’s room and had a fight with the Koopaling who had zapped the vegetarian. They knocked each other out.

The Koopaling who had gone back to their room to get their Magic Wand now arrived. Roy was still asleep. The Koopaling prepared to teleport Roy away but was zapped by the remaining Koopaling. The new Koopaling then teleported Roy to Mt. Lavalava.

???: That’ll teach him. Heh heh heh.

Who teleported Roy to Mt. Lavalava?

And the answer is...

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