
Koopa Kards

By iggy

The Koopalings were gathering around the table for their weekly card game...

Ludwig: Come on everybody, we're playing Koopa Kards.

Lemmy: How do you play that again?

Larry: We put the card deck in the middle…

Morton: Then we all draw a card and whoever has the lowest number gets a strike.

Iggy: Whoever has the lowest number of strikes after twenty rounds, wins.

Wendy: And the winner gets seventy coins, we each wager ten.

Roy: I’d better win!

Note: When I say lost I mean, got a strike.

Round 1: A girl got the first strike of the game.

Round 2: A Koopa that loves beachballs got his first strike.

Round 3: The oldest Koopa lost here.

Round 4: A Bully got a strike.

Round 5: A Koopa that talks a lot lost his first round.

Round 6: A Koopa that loves salad got a strike.

Round 7: A Koopa with glasses got a strike.

Round 8: A Koopa with the shortest name lost this round.

Round 9: A Koopa who likes the heat got a strike.

Round 10: The Koopa whose name comes last alphabetically lost here.

Round 11: A Koopa that lives in Giant Island got another strike.

Round 12: A Koopa with sunglasses lost the dozenth round.

Round 13: The Koopa who lost this round once lived in Vanilla Dome.

Round 14: An inventor got a strike.

Round 15: A dinosaur lover lost this round.

Round 16: A Koopa with scars lost here.

Round 17: The lover of ice got a strike in this round.

Round 18: The piano lover lost here.

Round 19: A Koopa that lives in the clouds got a strike.

Round 20: A Koopa that loves water lost the final round.

Morton: And the winner is-

Who won?

Who got the most strikes?

And the answer is...

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