
Movie Mania

By Dragoon

One day when Lemmy looked at the calendar, he saw that it was the Koopalings’ movie day. On this day they all decided on a movie and then went and saw it. He ran to all the Koopalings’ rooms and told them what day it was. They all ran to the front door to leave, but remembered one little detail: they still had to decide on a movie to see!

“I wanna see ‘Day of the Dead’,” said a Koopaling who was the hardest to scare.

“That movie is way too scary,” said a Koopaling who was scared easily. “Let’s see ‘The Incredibles’.”

“That movie’s for sissies. I want to see ‘Spy Kids 3D: Game Over’,” said a strange Koopaling.

“No way! I think we should see ‘Rise of the Coral’,” said a different Koopaling.

“All of those movies sound dumb! I want to see ‘Ice Princess’!” said a Koopaling.

“I want to see ‘The Haunted Talk Show Studio’!” said another Koopaling.

“I suggest ‘Inside the Bermuda Triangle’,” said bright Koopaling.

The decision started getting ugly now. All the Koopalings got their wands out and started blasting each other. The Koopaling who wanted “Day of the Dead” ran up to the one who wanted “The Incredibles”, but the one that wanted “The Incredibles” surrendered before the other one blasted them.

The one who wanted “Rise of the Coral” took a look at their wand and put it in their shell, then started biting the one who wanted “Inside the Bermuda Triangle”, and that Koopaling surrendered.

The one who wanted “Ice Princess” screamed at the one who wanted “The Haunted Talk Show Studio”, until that Koopaling surrendered.

The one who wanted “Day of the Dead” used their wand to electrocute the Koopaling who had screamed, and that Koopaling surrendered. Then, the Koopaling who wanted “Rise of the Coral” snuck up behind the one who wanted “Day of the Dead” and zapped them until that Koopaling was unconscious. Finally, the Koopaling who wanted “Spy Kids” tried to zap the one who wanted “Rise of the Coral”, but slipped on one of the other Koopalings” wand and fell to the ground, giving the other Koopaling the opportunity to zap him.

The last Koopaling got the other Koopalings and went to the movie theater to see the movie they wanted.

Whick Koopaling won the right to choose the movie they saw?

And the answer is...

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