
Who Ate the Last Cherry?!

By Boshee

Little Lemmy's Land Qualifier
Ranked #11

Bowser: Everyone, dinner time! Come to the table, I have some announcements!

Everyone comes to the dining room.

Bowser: First announcement: Your cousin Susan has come to eat dinner with us (because her father is a cheapskate).

Bowser pulls Susan out of his pocket. She smiles.

Susan: Hi!

Koopalings: ...

Bowser: Ok, let's sit down.

They all start to sit.

Bowser: Wait a minute. Before you all sit, I have one thing to tell you...

Everyone Else: Gasp!

Bowser: You may sit in any seat you want today, instead of the usual assigned seats.

Lemmy and Iggy: Yay!

Roy, Ludwig, and Wendy: So what?

Susan: YES!

Larry: NO!

Morton: Oh yes, the freedom to sit in any spot is just what I needed to clear my vocal cords while I eat my dinner which has no doubt been prepared with tenderness and love and-

Everyone Else: Shut up!

Bowser: That is not all, but dinner comes next. SO SIT ALREADY!

They sit. They sit in this formation:

Ludwig                 Roy                 Wendy               Susan
Morton              Lemmy                Iggy                 Larry

Larry: NOOOOO! I refuse to sit near Susan!

Susan: But-

Bowser: Silence! I will not tolerate disturbances during this dinner! Roy, switch with Susan, NOW!

Roy: But you said we could-

Bowser: Or else!

The two switch without another word.

Bowser: Ok now. Eat dinner.

Later, after dinner...

Bowser: Mmmm. Ahem. Announcement numero three. You all get dessert today! You have your mother to thank for this random act of kindness.

Everyone Else: Yay!

Bowser: There are a few delicious items in the kitchen: Vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, strawberry ice cream, and cherries. You may take whatever you want, but just one thing: DO NOT TAKE THE LAST CHERRY!

Bowser looks up to see that no one's in the room.

Bowser: Grr. No one'd better take that last cherry.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen...

Larry: Strawberry is best!

Susan: Strawberry is the flavor of love!

Lemmy: Yay for vanilla!

Iggy: Right on!

Wendy: Maybe you're right. I'll try vanilla for once.

Morton: Vanilla is my favorite because it is so cool and soft and creamy and it's just what I need after such a dinner that was prepared and provided with so much tenderness and...

Roy: Strawberry and vanilla are for sissies!

Ludwig: Do I really need to say anything? CHOCOLATE! WEEEEEEEEEEE!

Everyone comes back to the dining room and sits in the same seats. Bowser runs to the kitchen to see that ALL THE CHERRIES HAVE BEEN EATEN! He runs back to the dining room and opens his mouth, but then notices that everyone has finished their dessert. D'oh!

Bowser: One of you ate the last cherry, and I'm gonna find out who!

Everyone Else: Why?

Bowser: DO NOT QUESTION ME OR MY CHERRIES EVER AGAIN! Now, tell me exactly how many cherries were in the bowl when you got to it.

Ludwig: 25.

Susan: I'd say 30 or so.

Wendy: 17, I guess.

Roy: Um, 22? Yeah.

Morton: I'm absolutely sure that there were no less and no more than exactly 7.

Lemmy: Lessee... um, I guess, no... well, hmm...

Bowser: Hurry it up!

Lemmy: Eep! Ok, I say 40.

Iggy: Well, Lemmy got there first and I was next, so I guess 35 or so.

Larry: 12, maybe?

Bowser: That settles it. Morton, go to the dungeon!

Morton: But King Dad, I only ate two! You can count the pits in my bowl!

Bowser: You're right. Hmm. Well, there is one thing for sure: the culprit took five cherries! LINE UP!

The Koopalings get up and move to stand in a line, but in the process, STUFF happens.

One of the chocolate lovers puts three pits into the bowl of the Koopaling who sat across from them.

The Koopaling who sat next to that Koopa slides three pits into the bowl of a strawberry eater.

The other chocolate eater switches bowls with the other strawberry eater.

Lemmy trips on the carpet (yes, ON HIS BALL...) and four pits go flying, two into each of the bowls that the chocolate lovers are holding.

The second chocolate eater throws six pits into the bowl of the second strawberry eater.

The Koopaling who sat across from the first Koopa vanilla-lover mentioned says, "Hey, watch it!" as someone bumps into them. Someone tries to add pits to their bowl but stops at the last second because Bowser is getting impatient.

The Koopaling who likes vanilla and who sat next to the second strawberry eater then tris to put some number of pits into someone else's bowl, but also stops for the same reason.

Another Koopaling, who has not done anything, tried to do anything, or had anything happen to them had been sitting across from the one who ate the last cherry.

Bowser: Stop all that fidgeting! Now let me see your bowls.

Bowser looks at everone's bowls and sees that only Iggy has five pits.


Iggy: But-

Bowser: NOW!

As Iggy sulks away to the dungeon, the Koopaling who ate the last cherry laughs inside.


And the answer is...

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