By BlueKoopa
Important Info: The seven wand colors are blue, red, green, purple, yellow, orange, and white. Who has which wand has nothing to do with any of the videogames.
Larry ran towards the room where all the wands were kept. He wanted to find out if he could use his wand to make his plants grow faster. As he turned a corner, he ran SMACK into Lemmy. The collision knocked him out.
When he woke up, all his siblings were staring at him. “Are you okay?” Lemmy asked.
Larry sat up. “I’m fine. I was going to get my wand, and I ran into Lemmy. No big deal.” He got up and started to walk away, then stopped. “Um, guys? I don’t remember my wand color.”
Iggy was about to tell him, but Roy stopped him. “Let’s have some fun.” He turned to Larry. “We’ll give you clues about our wands, and then you can figure out which one’s yours.”
“I’ll start!” Lemmy said. “My wand has more than four letters in its name.”
Iggy felt bad, so he decided to give him a bigger hint. “My wand is white, yellow, blue, or orange.”
“Mine is the closest color to my bow,” Wendy said.
“My wand has an O in its name,” Morton supplied.
Ludwig spoke up. “Mine is the color of my hair.”
“You know, when we first got our wands, I wanted the one that best matched my world, but Iggy got it first,” Morton grumbled.
“Hmm... Mine is one of the colors in Lemmy’s hair,” Roy said grudgingly.
“I love snow!” Lemmy blurted out. “It’s so white and pretty. White’s my favorite color!”
Everyone looked at him. “Why on Earth did you say that for?” Morton inquired.
Lemmy shrugged. “I dunno.”
Larry grinned. “Thanks guys.” He went and got his wand and left.
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