Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

The Kitchen

Ghostly Galaxy

Star 4: Bouldergeist’s Daredevil Run

By ckday

Mario and Wario have came back from the Ghostly Galaxy.

Wario: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I never want to fight Bouldergeist again! I hate that galaxy!!!

Mario: Because it was so long, I’m just going to say… what Wario said. Let’s go back!

So the -arios shoot off and see a Daredevil Comet.


They land on the highest point of the arena and walk to fight Bouldergeist.

2 seconds later…

Mario and Wario start the mission over because they died.

1 second later…

Mario and Wario died again.

Half a second later…

The -arios died again.

A quarter of a second later…

You know the drill…

0 seconds later…

You know the drill…

Mario and Wario have one life left. They get Bouldergeist down to his last hit, and Wario rams into Bouldergeist’s uvula, killing himself but also killing Bouldergeist. Mario grabs the Star and leaves.

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