

Phantos67 reports:

Name: Wigit the Pidgit
Nickname: Wigit
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Type: Pidgit
Powers/Abilities: Freezing Snow, Kung Fu, Fly with Carpet
Likes: Fighting, Phantos67 and his crew
Dislikes: Wimps, people who aren’t active
Job: Security and interviewer
Description: A light blue Pidgit with a light blue carpet

Personality: Are you tough and like to be active? Then you’re Wigit’s friend. If you’re a lazy couch potato then you’re probably not going to be a pal of his. It depends, he’s nice though.

History: Wigit was trained before Wart invaded Sub-con as an elite Pidgit fighter. He has to be one of the best Pidgit fighters ever, and the best Pidgit fighter alive today. He appeared in Phantos67’s audience three times, and Phantos finally let him join. He has power over ice and can form a giant snowflake in his hand, then throw it and if you don’t dodge it or counter it then you’ll freeze into an ice cube. He can make snow, hail, and freezing rain or stop any of the previously mentioned from happening. He is an EXCELENT martial arts guy. He has mastered every martial art: Karate, Tai Qwan Do, Self Defense Kung Fu, all the good stuff.

** This bio is part of a group: Phantos67's Interview Crew Bios

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This character may be associated with the following: Phantos67, Pidgit, Wacko, and Wart

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