

Phantos67 reports:

Name: Nasher
Nickname: None
Gender: He’s a Chomp
Age: 5
Favorite Color: I’ve never asked him before
Type: Chomp
Powers/Abilities: CHOMP!
Likes: His food on time. Oh, and as for characters he likes all of Phantos’s crew
Dislikes: Tresspassers
Job: Guard Chomp/Security
Description: A black Chomp that has a chain, but he isn’t attached to a post or block
First Appearance: PHANTOS67 interviews GOOMBA

Personality: He likes Phantos67’s crew, but not anybody else really unless he gets to know them. Since he is a Guard Chomp he is vicious and mean to trespassers.

History: Nasher protects the grounds outside the Phantos67 Castle, but is allowed in for Interviews to help out with security. He was in Yoshi’s Island in Sluggy the Unshaven’s Fort as the Chomp in the room on the left when you first entered. After Sluggy was beaten the castle blew up and broke the post that Nasher was chained too. Nasher chewed his way out of the ruins and was stuck on Yoshi’s Island until one day he hopped into a blue pipe and somehow got it to let him to go down it, and he came out in the Mushroom Kingdom during Partners in Time. He then roamed the castle until he found another pipe that led to Bowser’s Castle. All in all he did a lot of pipe traveling until he reached Lemmy’s Land. He likes pipes a lot.

** This bio is part of a group: Phantos67's Interview Crew Bios

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This character may be associated with the following: Bowser, Lemmy, Phantos67, Sluggy the Unshaven, and Yoshi

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