Thwomp 64
Chuck N. Thwomp
Nickname: Thwomp 64
First Appearance: MUSICAL GUY AND PIT interview GOOMBOSS
Description: A Thwomp with golden spikes on the top side, however, these spikes are very far away from the center, so people can ride on him
Gender: Genderless
Age: 1,000
Abilities: Has command of an entire army of Thwomps, Thwimps, and Thwacks
Residence: Shhwonk Fortress
Race: Thwomp
Favorite Mario Game: Super Smash Bros. Melee (doesn’t really count, but he refused to have any other game here)
Favorite Non-Mario Game: Super Smash Bros. Melee (This DOES count, but still…)
Favorite Color: Black
Friends: Thwomps, Shrugger, Y-Naut, Pit, Goomboss,
Enemies: Anyone who annoys Shrugger, Kamek, Iggy
Appeared In: Super Mario World as the last Thwomp in Room 5 in Bowser’s Castle
Thwomp 64 is the prince of the Thwomps. He joined Shrugger because he supported his cause, and since then he has become a vital member of SIC (Shrugger’s Interview Crew). He has great loyalty to Shrugger, EVEN THOUGH HE’S A PRINCE AND SHRUGGER ISN’T.
** This bio is part of a group: Shrugger's Interview Crew Bios
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This character may be associated with the following: Bowser, Goomboss, Iggy, Kamek, Mario, Pit, Shrugger, Smash, Thwomp, and Y-Naut