Mii T. Piranha
Name: Mii T. Piranha
Age: 1 1/2 weeks (created out of boredom recently)
First Appearance: P.T. AND MII T. interview BURT BROS.
Appearance: A Mii that looks like P.T.
Aliases: Phillip.
Race: Mii.
First Quote: “Hi, I’m Mii T. Piranha.”
Weapon: None.
Birthplace: Toad Town (created out of boredom there).
Current Residence: Toad Town.
Family: P.T. (person he’s based off of… does that count?)
Position: Co-interviewer.
Hobbies: Interviewing.
Note: His name is a pun off P.T. and Mii, not Meaty.
History: After P.T. got out of the hospital after Fryguy burned down his old studio for no reason, Mii T. was created out of boredom. He and P.T. then interviewed the Burt Bros. He’s now part of the team and isn’t crazy like P.T.
** This bio is part of a group: Characters Made By P.T.
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This character may be associated with the following: Fryguyand Toad