Name: Victor
Age: 27
First Appearance: The Quest
Appearance: A Dark Koopatrol with a big sword and black cape, sometimes with big bat wings, with the head and sword being on purple fire.
Aliases: None.
Race: Dark Koopatrol.
First Quote: “Hello?”
Weapon: Sword.
Birthplace: Unknown, but it’s really far away.
Current Residence: Wherever.
Family: Army Hammer Bro (brother).
Position: Enemy character in The Quest, one of Bowser’s Big 4 in Crazy Comics.
Hobbies: Destroying.
Note: He is Army Hammer Bro’s brother.
History: Not much is known about Victor. What IS known is that he’s Army Hammer Bro’s brother, and is very strong. He was the first person to defeat P.T. in battle.
** This bio is part of a group: Characters Made By P.T.
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This character may be associated with the following: and Bowser