Capricorn Koopa
Name: Capricorn Koopa
First Appearance: DDR: Mario Mix 2
Nickname: Has no nickname
Occupation: Element Studier
Favorite Game: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Father: None
Mother: None
Friends: WK, Ste Goomba
Enemies: Shadow Queen, Doomsday Robo, Culex
Protects: His friends, his elements
Is currently working on: A way to defeat Culex
Lives in: A manor, south of Dry Dry Desert
Favorite Food: Danishes
Favorite Part of Being in the Dungeon: Can dig out
Capricorn was one of the seven hybrids created by Kamek, when he worked for SOSE (the Scientific Organization of Strange Elements). He is a KP Koopa, and he was one of the three who got mugged by the Shadow Queen.
Capricorn can use sand in any way he wants, from destroying rocks to shooing away unwelcome guests. He has quite a temper, and when you get him mad, he'll turn into Dark Capricorn, a Shady Koopa who only destroys.
He studies the elements and can combine them into potions. However, not even the potions could help him when he first met Culex.
As you who have played SMRPG know, Culex is a guy who has those diamonds, which are based on Elements. However, not even Capricorn's elemental knowledge could best him, and they are still rivals today.
He claims he is related to Ludwig von Koopa, but no one has proof yet.
Quote: "My name… is Elements! Actually, it's Capricorn."
** This bio is part of a group: Capricorn Koopa and Ste Goomba
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This character may be associated with the following: Culex, Kamek, Ludwig, Mario, Shady, and Waluigi Koopa