Name: Yoshihart
First Appearance: TEELA AND YOSHIHART interview LUIGI
Nicknames: None
Birthday: September 16th
Favorite Color: Blue
Height: 6'1"
Weight: How much do you think a Yoshi weighs?
Favorite Food: Probably pizza or chili, but I like chocolate too
Special Abilltes: I do have telekinetic powers. If I concentrate on an object hard enough I can move it. Although I have telekinetic powers they're not extremely powerful (yet), but they're powerful enough for now. In time my powers may get stronger if I keep practicing.
Hobbies: I like reading, singing, and playing music (and musical instuments), and sometimes I like to act (a little); I also like writing stories (of course), being with my friends, being outside and being myself
Physical Appearance: Well, I'm a light blue Yoshi with red hair and light blue streaks, and my hair sticks up when I use styling gel. I also have a sapphire stone that I wear on a neckless as a birthstone. Other than having special powers, i'm pretty much a "normal" Yoshi.
Personallity: I'm funny and out-going but a little shy sometimes. I like being funny and telling jokes and making people laugh. I guess you might say I'm easy to get along with, but I also have a short fuse when I'm mad and I especially don't like being doublecrossed. As long as you're nice, I'll be nice, but if you doublecross me or make me mad, you'd better run...
Bio: Well, first off, let me explan the reason for the name "Yoshihart". I have a birthmark under my right calf in a shape of a heart, so hence the reason for the name Yoshihart. As far as my life, I have always lived on Yoshi's Island. I was born and raised there with my family and my friends. My parents were just the old-fashioned kind of parents. I also had friends that I used to hang out with all the time. Things on Yoshi's Island were always peaceful until one day our tribe got into an argument over territory with another tribe. Our tribe finally decided it would be in everyone's best interest if we moved to a different location. So we moved to a different location, a different territory, but by that time I was old enough to kind of take care of myself. I decided to head out on Yoshi's Island by myself, and I've been on my own ever since; but I have met a few new friends on my journey. I always think about my family, my old friends, and a lot of old memories I had in the past, but now I have to look foward to the future and whatever the future holds in store. I will find my destiny in life one day, but for right now I'll just try to be myself and live my life the only way I know how.
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This character may be associated with the following: and Yoshi