

Slimer49'r reports:

Name: Rouo-Aqua
First Appearance: Hatching of the Shreok
Age: 9 (like 30 in our years)
Species: Fish
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Green
Favorite Video Game: Finding Nemo
Favorite Food: Clams
Favorite TV Show: Spongebob

Bio: Rouo-Aqua Sman has always been respectful of the Aquamentarian people and their god, Aquamantan, the giant fish. Every year a sacrificial ritual is held for the fish, involving 11 different people to be exact. Usually one person, either a peasant or someone from the surface, is kidnapped from their houses, or occassionally someone will volunteer. Before they found Bowser they had to use Rouo's wife. So when they found Bowser before the sacrifice, Rouo had to come up with a trick to save his wife.

** This bio is part of a group: Hatching of the Shreok Characters

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