

Slimer49'r reports:

Name: Zalor, God of Destruction
First Appearance: Hatching of the Shreok
Age: 200,000,000,000
Species: Demon
Skin Color: Dark green
Eyes: Blood red
Favorite Food: Soals
Hobbies: Causing misery and pain
Favorite Games: Vortex Ball

Bio: Zalor, the father of Culex and king of the demon world, ruled over the demons with a evil hand. Shortly before The Hatching of the Shreok, Culex killed his father and got control over the demon world. This happened in between Super Mario Sunshine and The Hatching of the Shreok. Mario had to defeat Culex. Later, Lord Alkeron revived Zalor, and he awakened the destroyer. To find out who that is, stay tuned to my Fun Fic saga.

** This bio is part of a group: Hatching of the Shreok Characters

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This character may be associated with the following: Culexand Mario

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