
Queen Nimbus

Misty Koopa reports:

Name: Queen Nimbus
Likes: Her husband, Mallow, being just plain nice
Dislikes: Valentina, anyone who tries to take over, someone who is just plain mean.

This is the queen of Nimbus Land, and Mallow's mother. She has a very good heart and is a bit sensitive, which is where Mallow probably got his sensitivity. She was severly heartbroken when he vanished and had a frantic search going on night and day, but no one had seen him. She sadly gave up hope until Mallow was to be about five, and someone reported seeing a young Nimbus named Mallow in Rose Town. She and her husband went there and asked around and found out he lived nearby in Tadpole Pond. When they investigated, they found he was on vacation. When he returned, she was greatly overjoyed. She is grateful to have him home at long last.

** This bio is part of a group: Super Mario RPG Characters

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This character may be associated with the following: Mallowand Valentina

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