Disc O. Koopa
Disc O. Koopa: Lemmy and Iggy may be the Koopa twins, but Disc makes them the Koopa Triplets. Disc O.
Koopa has a split look to his hair: it's split like Ludwig's, black on one side, and rainbow-colored on the
other. Disc has a face and shell that are black as night, and throws black frisbees at any plumbers that come
near him. He studied martial arts under Rocky Wrench, so he's definitely persistent. Since the cold climate
of Ice Land has a mountain ridge that blocks any rainfall from Pipe Land, the winds headed south to a
normally dry section of the Mushroom World. Here, massive thunderstorms broke out, and the area
flourished instantly. Occasionally, either the thunderstorms return or the rain stops. Bowser gave this land,
known as Rain World, to Disc O. Koopa, as the thunderstorms made the sky dark, and one could only see if
lightning flashed. And since Disc is all black...
** This bio is part of a group: Koopa Kids and Others
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Disc O. Koopa:
He sounds like Lemmy and Iggy, but he is NOT their triplet. He has rainbow hair like them, but only on half of his head. The other half is black (or a VERY deep blue). He likes thunderstorms and pizza. He hates getting sand in his shell. He can use his black discs for transportation or as weapons. He once beat up Roy, Ludwig, Nick, AND Morton, but was sent to the dungeon for 3 days for picking on Morton. Morton deserved it, though; he wouldn't shut up! Disc O Koopa tries to avoid anything romantic, preferring to keep to himself most of the time. He will occasionally finish Lemmy or Iggy's sentences, or the three of them will occasionally split a sentence. He is not as much of a joker as Lemmy, nor as boastful as Iggy. He controls Rain World.
"Air surfing is a risk... Unless you know how it's done!" -Disc O. Koopa
Name: Disc O. Koopa
Age: 4
Birthdate: March 13th, 1995
Method of Birth: Born
Relation in Family: 5th oldest
Function in Family: Coolest
Land: Wet-Dry World
Independent: Yes
Friendly: Yes
Leader: Yes
Motivated: Yes
Organized: No
Intelligent: Yes
Athletic: Yes
Musical: Yes
Artistic: No
Funny: Yes
Favorite Activities: Air disc surfing, sitting out in thunderstorms
Least Favorite Activities: Getting sand in his shell, hearing Wendy or Shelly's tantrums Favorite Foods: Pizza, Coconut Creme Pie
Favorite Colors: Dark blue, orange, green, black
Favorite Siblings: Lemmy and Iggy
Favorite Underling: Hot Foot
Opinion of Experiment: Excellent way to reflect on my own coolness
** This bio is part of a group: New Koopas
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This character may be associated with the following: Bowser, Hot Foot, Iggy, Lemmy, Ludwig, Morton, Nick, Roy, and Wendy