

Husky/Washu reports:

Name: Husky
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Height: 2’4"
Weight: 90 lbs.
Birthday: January 12, 1991 (if I’ve got my age right)
Species: Husky
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food(s): Bacon, popcorn, and cake mix
Love Interest: Jr. Koopa
Owner: Celestial
Friends: Washu and I are BEST friends, and so I am with Celestial, and anyone who will bother to waste time
being our friends.

I was born from a Husky that was used for a model for the Huskies in Space Station Silicon Valley. I snuck
into the space station before it was sent into space. It crashed into New York City January 9th, 2000 (unlike
the game, when it crashed in the year 3001 or so). I crept out and swam to shore (just like in the story) and
jumped through the warp pipe in Brooklyn because I thought Evo (supposedly the hero) would kill me. And
then, well, you know the rest. But don’t be fooled with the piccy. I do NOT ski and I don’t shoot rockets.

** This bio is part of a group: Husky/Washu

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