
Gene Yuss

Gene Yuss reports:

Name: Gene Yuss

Age: 16

Hobby: Scheming plans

Favorite Sport: Tennis

Favorite Pastime: Picking on Ludwig

Favorite Web Page: Lemmy's Land

Gene Yuss and Ludwig were first grade pals until they got into a fight over who was smarter. Gene Yuss is
half Yoshi and half Koopa and is smarter than Ludwig. His inventions always work. He likes tennis best of all
sports because he is quick, tall, and powerful. His role models are the Wario Brothers. Yoshi and Boshi are
his best friends. His first appearance was at Iggy's Casino. He will appear again in the near future.

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This character may be associated with the following: Boshi, Iggy, Lemmy, Ludwig, Wario, and Yoshi

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