Mr. Little
Mr. Little
Full Name: Little Gray Goomba
Favorite Pastime: Trying to take over the world
Mr. Little was once a part of Bowser's forces. In fact, he was the Goomba in a Bowser suit at the end
of 1-4 of the original Super Mario Bros. However, after that adventure, Bowser decided to get rid of
the gray Goombas and to use only the popular orange Goombas. This made Little angry, and he
vowed revenge one day. Fifteen years later, he has his sights set on taking over the world, which is
what Bowser had wanted to do. He wishes to get rid of the Marios, and, more importantly, kill Bowser
and his family for having gotten rid of him.
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This character may be associated with the following: Bowser, Goomba, Goomboss, and Mario