Koopa Kids and Others, reported by John
Larry Koopa: He took over Grass Land so he could grow his plants, and because it wasn't too large. Sadly,
his sneaky attempts at overthrowing the Mushroom Kingdom never work, usually because Toad sees him
heading out and warns everyone.
Morton Koopa, Jr.: It's unknown how Morton got to be so much darker than the other Koopas. Perhaps it's
because he spent so much time in Desert Land. Being the second youngest, he competes with everyone for
attention, and talks more than is necessary. Roy and Wendy seem to be the only Koopalings that can put up
with him, probably because he hangs around them so much that they're used to his pointless chatter.
Wendy O. Koopa: She's the only girl, and a spoiled brat. She wanted her own personal water park, so
Bowser gave her Water Land.
Iggy Koopa: Being the most agile, Iggy thought it would be a challenge dodging large things, so he took over
Giant Land. Since he's so quick, he designed his doomship to run with only rocket engines and no
cannons. He even put two Super Leaves on board. His weakness is the way he set up his cabin; he's often
stomped from up high when he goes for a low attack.
Roy Koopa: Too many workouts made Roy the heaviest Koopa Kid alive. After Bowser managed to design a
doomship with enough cannons for Roy to play with, he gave him the Sky Land. Roy spends most of his time
in Sky Land on the ground level, barking orders at his minions.
Lemmy Koopa: Definitely the coolest Koopa Kid around, and the fact that he owns Ice Land proves it. He
has one small character flaw: he won't stop riding that star ball of his, which limits his speed at times. It does
give him a height advantage, though.
Ludwig von Koopa: Ludwig was so twisted that he developed an obsession with pipe organs, so Bowser
gave him Pipe Land. He has two Fire Flowers on his doomship, and spends his time eating lox, chocolate,
and drinking the juice from fire plants. (NOT Fire Flowers) He allowed Larry to grow Muncher Plants in his
pipes and to plant other Piranha Plants in the rest of the place. The only non-pipe related things in his world
are Nipper Plants and the Abandoned Fortress, which is a maze of doors. Some say the foes fled when
Ludwig came by to set up his latest opera. Who knows?
Troopa Koopa: He just recently grew into a full-fledged Koopaling, and got his name from the fact that he
always played shell games with Koopa Troopas. Bowser gave him control of Upper Darkland, while he
developed a new Darkland deep underground. Troopa looks a lot like Larry, except he has a blue shell and
face, and green hair.
Ptooie Koopa: One look at this Koopaling and you'll know how he got his name. Ptooie Koopa has a purple
shell and face, and wears a Ptooie Plant on his bald head. When Koopa found out about a massive fortress
in the heart of a lush valley, he sent all sorts of enemies - mostly botanical ones - to the area and thus was
created Fort Piranha City. Ptooie waits on a doomship high above this area, just waiting to attack the Mario
Brothers. He sent his strongest minions to hold down the fort - literally, he's got his strongest minions in
Fort Piranha, while others guard the valley.
Shelley Koopa: Everything that applies to Wendy applies to Shelley as well. Shelley, however, is not as loud
as Wendy, and controls the Undergound Forest, which sits somewhere southeast of Pipe Land. Also,
everything that's red on Wendy is orange on Shelley.
Disc O. Koopa: Lemmy and Iggy may be the Koopa twins, but Disc makes them the Koopa Triplets. Disc O.
Koopa has a split look to his hair: it's split like Ludwig's, black on one side, and rainbow-colored on the
other. Disc has a face and shell that are black as night, and throws black frisbees at any plumbers that come
near him. He studied martial arts under Rocky Wrench, so he's definitely persistent. Since the cold climate
of Ice Land has a mountain ridge that blocks any rainfall from Pipe Land, the winds headed south to a
normally dry section of the Mushroom World. Here, massive thunderstorms broke out, and the area
flourished instantly. Occasionally, either the thunderstorms return or the rain stops. Bowser gave this land,
known as Rain World, to Disc O. Koopa, as the thunderstorms made the sky dark, and one could only see if
lightning flashed. And since Disc is all black...
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