
Peach Koopa, reported by Mario Koopa

Name: Peach Koopa
First Appearance: PEACH KOOPA

Height: 4 feet, 4 inches
Weight: 45 pounds
Likes: Fruit, candy, anything sweet; she also likes getting her own way
Dislikes: When people don't listen to her (Suggestion: Listen to her! She's scary when she's mad!)
Life: Peach Koopa, or as she has her servants refer to her, "Princess Peach Koopa", isn't really ruler of anything except her mansion. She became extremely wealty when her father died and she inherited his millions. She is often kidnapped by Bowser, who desires her wealth. Her brothers, Mario Koopa and Luigi Hammer Brother, have to save her when this happens. Mario Koopa is reluctant to do so but Luigi Hammer
Brother is always willing, hoping that she might give them some of her wealth. Although their father gave her his money, he gave them everything he had fror interviewing on Lemmy's Interview Show, hoping they'd become wealthy that way.
Personality: She's quite stuck-up. She thinks her brothers are beneath her.

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