
Roy Koopa, reported by Danny Koopa

Name: Roy Koopa
Nickname: Bully
Age: 10 1/2
Hobbies: Beating up Iggy and Larry, shoving socks down Morton’s mouth after he talks too long.
Quote: "You heard King Dad, GET TO WORK!!!"

When Roy Koopa was born, his only brothers were Lemmy and Ludwig. He was different than other babies,
though. He didn't like blocks or pattycake. He liked to hurt people. Since he was only little, King Koopa gave
him Sky Land so he could punch, kick, and tackle the clouds. For his 8th birthday, he got a special present.
(All Koopalings get very special presents for their eight birthday. Ludwig: chemistry room; Lemmy: ball; Iggy:
glasses; Wendy: anything she wants or else policy; Morton: huuuuuge cake; Larry: garden-)


Danny Koopa: Ok, ok, fine.

Roy got a private football team for his birthday. Ever since Iggy's team beat his, he's sworn ultimate
vengeance on him...Oooook. He wears his sunglasses because he thinks they're cool. He thinks about being
cool and has never considered all the pink he has on him. I give him a-

Roy: That’s it, YOU'RE GOIN DOWN!!!

Danny: Thatsmybio, g2gbyeeeee!!! OUCH!!!

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