Haraku's Profile, reported by Haraku_chan Little Lemmy's Land Qualifier
Ranked #29
Name: Haraku M. Shoura
First Appearance: HARAKU AND DASINA interview TOADETTE
DOB: Februaury 14th
Age: 11
Best Friend: Dasina-chan
Girlfriend: None
Favorite Song: Too many to name...
Lest favorite song: Anything popular in America
Favorite Singer: Kumi Koda
Favorite Cake: Pie
Favorite Nintendo Game: Any of the Mario Party games or Super Smash Brothers Melee
Least Favorite Nintendo Game: None
Favorite Nintendo Character: Daisy or Luigi
Words from the man himself:
Hi! I'm Haraku Shoura. My personality is usually optimistic and bubbly, but don't get me on my bad side. I'll turn into a giant ant! No, not really... So, um... I like pie.
I think I'm way too young to be dating, and I devour anyone who spread Haraku and Dasina rumors... I like Japanese animation, and... uh... I'm out of things to say again.
So, uh... Bye!
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