The Shadow Sirens, reported by Jr. Troopa
Name: Marilyn
Likes: Whatever Beldam likes
Dislikes: Dictionaries, paragraphs, long sentences
Element: Lightning
Interesting fact: The only real words she says in the game are "the three"
Marilyn is the middle Siren. She's also the strongest and most mysterious one. Not much is known about her, probably because she almost never talks in the game. All sha says is "Guh". It's hard to believe that even though she's the toughest of the sisters, she does everything Beldam tells her to do. If Beldam told her to jump pf a cliff, she'd probably do it. If I were her I'd straighten her up, show her who's boss, since all she has to do is hit Beldam once and she'd likely bow down to her will. Ah well, she's not really evil, she's just misguided, like Vivian, but who knows for sure? Anyway, she controls the lightning element, and can store energy for massive attacks.
Name: Beldam
Likes: Bossing her sisters, punishing the weak, blaming the innocent, just being plain cruel and mean
Dislikes: Traitors
Interesting fact: She's over a 1,000 years old
Beldam is the oldest Siren. She's cruel, mean and heartless, and pure EVIL. For some reason she really enjoys picking on Vivian and blaming her for stuff that is usually her own fault. Beldam and her sisters were one Grodus's most loyal minions, but it was just a plan to revive the Shadow Queen and hog all the evil glory. Thanks to Mario, her evil plan failed and she was forced to flee the Palace of Shadow with Marylin. After that, Vivian, who was done traveling with Mario, encountered her and Marilyn in Twilight Town. Since the Shadow Queen was gone, Beladam had no reason to be evil, so she apologized to Vivian and promised never to be mean to her again. The three Sirens reunited and decided to stay in Twilight Town, where they are living peacefully for now. She has dominion over the ice element, and can also perform all sorts of wierd magic.
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