Interview with The Viruses, reported by Stan
Name: Blue Virus
Position: Leader of The Viruses
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Lives: Most anywhere; Currently inside of Popple
Favorite Food: Mold
Favorite Smell: Cherries
Favorite Game: Paper Mario 2
"Well, I guess I would describe myself as a fun-loving virus. I basically boss the others around. And yes. I'm interviewing myself. So what? Doesn't everyone?"
Name: Yellow Virus
Position: Klutz
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Lives: Anywhere moldy
Favorite Food: Chocolate
Favorite Smell: Gingerbread
Favorite Game: Wario Ware Inc.
"Uhh... Where am I? ... Oh, right, I'm being interviewed, right? ... Okay, then. I think I would describe myself as the fatso. Nobody really likes me, 'sides Blue. But, then again, not many people like viruses, do they?"
Name: Red Virus
Position: Second In Command
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Lives: In Dr. Mario's Bottle
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Smell: Cooked Chicken
Favorite Game: Kirby's Dreamland 3
"BLAAAH! Heh, I do that all the time. Besides that, blaah, I describe myself as a brown-nosing second in command, blaah! I always get what I need by suckin' up to the boss, blaah, and it always works! BLAAAH!"
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