
Chirpy, reported by Teela Yoshi

Name: Chirpy the Chirp (‘The’ is not it’s middle name!)
Species: Unknown type of bird (Teela calls it a Chirp)
Weight: Never been weighed…
Height: 1.0
Gender: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown

Phrases: Note:

“Chirp!” Chirpy speaks a language called

“Chirp.” So no one understands it besides Teela.


Favorite Foods: Apples, sunflower seeds, hard spaghetti noodles without sauce, strawberries
Least Favorite Foods: Peppers, tomatoes, bird seeds

Hobbies: Doing tricks and flips when flying, talking (even though no one understands it), making tree forts, arcade games (is pretty good at them)

Likes: Winning arcade games, food, Dr. Mario, Teela, Karma, the color green, flying, being a bird, talking (again, even though it's not understandable to most)

Favorite Arcade Game: Pac Man (Chirpy claims it's just like Dr. Mario, but Teela dissagrees)
Dislikes: Being scolded, crashing when flying, being beaten up, losing the arcade games

Chirpy had always been beaten by all the other birds because it is different. (Perhaps playing arcade games?) Quirrels would arise everyday between Chirpy and entire flocks of birds. One day it was beaten to the ground, and not able to move. A lone Yoshi came and had saved it. Chirpy had thought the Yoshi was going to finish it off, but instead had been rescued. That Yoshi was Teela, and they became friends. Now Chirpy travels with Teela, and stays protected.

Chirpy is red all over, except with a white oval on its stomach. It has a blue beak, and orange feet that are usually covered by its wings. It also has two long wings which it uses to fly. Its orange feet are more like paws. They have three toes, with a claw on each one. It isn't like any bird you've ever seen, and so this is why it is normally attacked.

Well, I guess that's all there is too now. For now.

Chirpy: CHIRP! ('Til later!)

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