Biography of Dr. Thaddeus Spore, reported by Crispy
Biography of Dr. Thaddeus Spore
The following is an excerpt from a biography of Dr. Spore, headmaster of Mushroom Academy, written by the Official Mushroom Historian, Antoine Eggplant.
Dr. Thaddeus J. Spore was born in Ice Land on the 5th of Spring in the year 1654 A.S. to Jonathan and Lucille Spore. He was a shy young sprout, preferring not to play with the other children his age, instead reading, studying, and writing. In school, young Thaddeus excelled in all of his subjects, from mathematics to history. He graduated first in his class in the year 1672, and was immediately accepted into Mushroom Academy back in Grass Land.
Thaddeus majored in political science at the Academy, and graduated with honors in 1676. He then was appointed by King Toadstool CCXCVIII to become the Mushroom Kingdom's ambassador to the Koopa Kingdom. Thaddeus grudgingly took the position, hoping instead for an appointment to Dinosaur Land or Hyrule. He was to stay in Dark Land in the company of King Morton I until 1699, the year of the Koopa King's passing and the ascension of King Bowser I.
During his stay in Dark Land, Thaddeus was able to observe the power structure of the Koopa Klan. Initially dismissing the near-absolute monarchy as repugnant and uncivilized, he slowly began to challenge the pro-Mushroomian teachings he received while at the Academy. Especially through friendship with Morton, Thaddeus began to understand how the Koopanese system of government was, in fact, not at all a freedomless society. He saw that, unlike the Mushroomians of old, the Koopas openly welcomed citizens of all races. He sat through the democratic town meetings of Dark Land cities, large and small. He realized that the power of the people to revolt against a power-hungry king kept him in line, and that the Spartan-like military system had its benefits as compared to the constitutional monarchy of the Mushroom Kingdom.
After Bowser began his war against the Mushroom Kingdom in late 1699, Thaddeus was unwelcome in the Dark Land, so he returned to the Mushroom Kingdom. In 1702, Thaddeus completed his first major work, On the Nature of the Continental Governments, a revisionist history and political science textbook that seriously considers the points and counterpoints of the Mushroom Kingdom's representative democracy and the Koopa Kingdom's militaristic monarchy. In the midst of a war, the Mushroom Kingdom's legislature quickly banned the book from use in its schools (and soon from print). In 1703, Thaddeus was arrested for treason against the Mushroom Kingdom and sentenced to life imprisonment.
In late 1710, King Toadstool CCXCVIII passed away, leaving his only child Princess Toadstool to take his place as Monarch until the next election in 1715. As Thaddeus had been locked up under orders of the deceased king, Thaddeus had not been able to successfully appeal his case until that point. He took his case all the way to the Supreme Court of the Mushroom Kingdom. Although the case seemed stacked against Thaddeus, a surprise plea from the princess for his release prompted the justices to pardon him of treason.
Thaddeus, still scorned for his remarks against the Mushroomian government nearly a decade ago, took to the debate circuit on the Mushroom News Network (MNN). Through his many speeches and debates with professors of political science and politicians across the kingdom, he gained a reputation for being a proficient speaker, and his ideas began to pervade universities around the world, even despite the continuing war with the Koopas. Eventually the decision to ban his works from the kingdom was repealed, and he was issued a formal apology by the legislature. Ironically, it was his ideas that prompted the decision to cooperate with Bowser against the Smithy Gang in 1711.
In 1714, Thaddeus was offered a teaching position in the political science department of Mushroom Academy. In 1715 he became the department chair and, later that year, he was offered an honorary doctorate from the Academy. Finally, on Autumn 16th, 1716, Dr. Spore was made headmaster of Mushroom Academy. He continues to lecture on politics and other subjects, particularly those pertaining to Koopanese culture. During his tenure as headmaster, the Academy's curriculum has dramatically changed, now incorporating elements of diversity of all cultures in the world, including the Koopas, Hyrulians, Dinosaurs, Sub-conians, and Kongs.
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