Those Annoying Characters You'd Rather Forget, reported by Larry's Clone

Name: Ludwig von Koopa
Age: 12
Birthday: January 17
Likes: Classical music
Dislikes: Any music recorded after the 50's
Hangs With: Larry, Iggy, sometimes Morton
Description: The oldest and most level-headed of the Koopas, he stands for class and sophistication. Unfortunately his standards are too high. Make one wrong move with his gourmet food and he'll bite your head off! Besides sophistication he enjoys composing symphonies and playing his pipe organ.
Quote: "How dare you slander my food with this imitation crab?! Get me the real thing or I'll rip your head off!
Rating: ****

Name: Larry Koopa
Age: 12
Birthday: April 17
Likes: His hair, money
Dislikes: Wendy
Hangs With: Iggy, Lemmy, occasionally Ludwig
Description: He's a Koopa who enjoys four things: styling his hair, money, swindling people, and bragging all the way. He's always trying to get money and suckering Iggy into making all the planning. He is constantly arguing with Wendy over anything; many of his relatives suspect that he and Wendy like to argue! He's a smooth talker, like a mobster or a con-artist. Je's also a sneaky little devil at that. He's a take-charge guy who can get out of situations easily not legally mind you), and pretty fun to be around.
Quote: "Money, money, money!"
Rating: *****

Name: Iggy Koopa
Age: 11
Birthday: May 1
Likes: Books, etc.
Dislikes: Being beat up. (Who does?)
Hangs with: Larry, Ludwig, Lemmy.
Description: He's got more smarts than he knows what to do with, except he's a bit short on common sense, as shown in his solar-powered flashlight and virtual rootcanal. The only test he can't pass is a sanity test. He has a split personality if you ask me. Most of the time he's a good-natured doormat, but get him in the lab or on the battlefield and he goes nuts!
Quote: "You're the greatest ruler to ever rule the ruler with a ruler, and not the fifteen centimeter kind that you get in the math sets that comes with a protractor and compass... (trails off)
Rating: ****

Name: Roy Koopa
Age: 10
Birthday: July 5
Likes: Hip Hop (the music, not Lemmy and Iggy), cool stuff
Dislikes: Uncool stuff
Hangs With: Morton, sometimes Wendy
Description: He's a back alley gangster straight out of New York. He thinks of himself as the coolest Koopa alive. He is constantly bragging and pushing people around. He can easily extort people but spends his time listening to music.
Quote: "Have you seen my disc-man?"
Rating: **

Name: Morton Koopa Jr.
Age: 10
Birthday: August 14
Likes: Food, pounding stuff
Dislikes: Going hungry, "smart" stuff
Hangs With: Roy, occasionally Wendy
Muscle-bound and muscle-headed, Morton likes to eat and hit things. That's why he likes mixed nuts, he gets to pound things and then eat them. He and Roy have a good plan for people who cross them. Roy holds the guy, and Morton pummels the snot out of them! Morton isn't too bright. If the air gets too smart Morton will yell out, "My head hurts!!!"
Quote: "My head hurts!!!"
Rating: **

Name: Wendy
Age: 10
Birthday: February 14
Likes: Herself, clothes
Dislikes: Larry, Iggy, and pretty much everybody else
Hangs With: Morton, Roy, occasionally Ludwig
Wendy is a spoiled brat who thinks the world revolves around her. When she doesn't get her way, she lets out a loud high-pitched shriek that can melt ice, break glass, and kill goldfish. That's pretty much all to her.
Quote: "Outta my way dorkwad!"
Rating: *

Name: Lemmy Koopa
Age: 10
Birthday: June 16
Likes: Ball riding
Dislikes: Walking
Hangs With: Iggy, Larry
Lemmy is the youngest of the Koopalings. His hobby is riding a beachball; he's been riding since he was a baby. Unfortunately learning to ride came at a price, he can't walk very well. Occasionally, if he walks too far he will do a somersault and fall flat on his face. He has a good nature and will help his siblings out when he can. This unfortunately leads to him being the scapegoat for Larry's plots.
Quote: "I don't know about this, Larry."
Rating: ****

Name: Mouser
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Likes: Explosives
Dislikes: Big open spaces
Hangs With: Triclyde, Clawgrip, Fry Guy
Mouser was created by Wart to serve him in Sub-con. Mouser has since made himself the leader of Wart's evil army, despite being a complete idiot. He will obey whatever Wart says. He's just an Idiot and nothing more.
Quote: "Uh, uh... what?"
Rating: ***

Name: Triclyde
Age: Over 200
Birthday: ???
Likes: Himselves
Dislikes: Mouser's orders, most of his "co-workers"
Hangs With: Mouser, Clawgrip, Fry Guy
Triclyde came to Sub-con from a region as yet discovered by Koopas and Mushrooms alike. He was appointed a colonel in Wart's army. To his dismay Mouser (a complete Idiot.) outranked him. Triclyde is by far the smartest thing in Sub-con, After all, he has three heads. The right head (or head three) controls his right brain, the left head (or head two), controls the left brain, and the middle head (head two) controls all things in between. His heads always argue over things and whose fault something is.
Quote: Head 1: "It's all your fault!"
Head 3: "ME?! You control the thoughts!"
Head 2: "Shut up! It's both your faults!"
Rating: *****

Name: Clawgrip
Age: Somewhere between 1 and 1 billion
Birthday: February 30 (at least that's what he tells people)
Likes: Hurting people, digging
Dislikes: Lemon butter sauce
Hangs With: Mouser, Triclyde, Fry Guy
Clawgrip was created by Wart as a way to tunnel under the Sub-con palace's walls, but Clawgrip didn't want to go kaput so Wart made him a lieutenant in his army. Besides that he doesn't have much personality, he's just Menacing.
Quote: "Keep the lemon butter away from me!"
Rating: ***

Name: Fry Guy
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Likes: Heat
Dislikes: Water
Hangs With: Mouser, Triclyde, Clawgrip
Fry Guy is a captain in Wart's army. He marches to a different drummer than the rest and usually does what he wants. And that's pretty much all that is known about him.
Quote: "Whatsss the matter? Ssspark got your tongue?"
Rating: ****

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